University of Maryland

What is SPE4K?

Security & Privacy Education 4 Kids (SPE4K) is an ongoing collaboration between researchers at the University of Maryland’s College of Information (PIs: Jessica Vitak and Tammy Clegg) and the University of Chicago’s Computer Science Department (PI: Marshini Chetty). Since 2016, we’ve been talking to elementary school teachers, students, and parents about privacy and security education. While many adults think elementary school is too early to start talking about these topics, we believe that if you’re willing to give your child a tablet or smartphone, they’re old enough to start learning about these topics. 

Three children look at a laptop together.

Photo by Lucélia Ribeiro (Flickr)

Through two Google Grants, we developed a framework for helping to understand the challenges in this space. This framework, known as the Connecting Contexts framework, focuses on building and reinforcing learning opportunities at school and home and using examples that children are likely to experience in their everyday lives, such as using a diary to talk about privacy or a door lock to talk about security.

On this website, we share results from our research. Thanks to a 2020 grant from the National Science Foundation, we’ve been spending several years building and testing curriculum that can be easily integrated into existing lesson plans, and creating out-of-school materials that children can work on at home or could be integrated into after-school or library programs.

Project Updates

May 2024: Elana Blinder authored a post on the Joan Ganz Cooney Center. Check it out here.

Jan 2024: And that's a wrap! The NSF grant officially ends at the end of the month. We'll be finalizing and uploading curriculum/lesson plans/educational resources over the next several months.

Dec 2023: Our paper describing how we developed a "Would You Rather" activity for the classroom (led by Elana Blinder) has been accepted to CSCW 2024.

Oct 2023: Kelly Wagman presented our paper on the privacy and security challenges that emerged during emergency remote learning at CSCW. Visit the Publications page or read our Medium post here.

June 2023: Priya Kumar presented our systematic review of research on designing privacy and security interventions for children at ACM IDC.